PATTSY WAVE patent and trademark docketing software is a powerful tool, that helps IP operations run more efficiently, reduce risk, and improve accuracy.
Patent and Trademark Docketing Software
PATTSY WAVE® patent and trademark docketing software helps IP operations run more efficiently, reduce risk, and improve accuracy. It is designed for intellectual property professionals who are looking for software that will increase productivity by automating repetitive tasks and making information available at their fingertips.
For over 30 years, we have collaborated with our clients to develop a docketing platform that responds to the diverse needs of IP teams. Over 200 law firms and corporations manage patent and trademark portfolios in PATTSY WAVE.
PATTSY WAVE Named an Intellectual Property Management Software Leader by G2.

PATTSY WAVE Patent and Trademark Docketing Software Helps Law Firms and Corporations
A docketing team is at the heart of any successful IP operation and PATTSY WAVE is designed specifically for those professionals. Our signature “single-screen design” and focus on patent and trademark practice automation sets PATTSY WAVE apart by providing an interface that is both intuitive and efficient. The software keeps your valuable data safe and helps your practice achieve operational efficiency - so you can focus on your most strategic IP work.
"I can’t tell you how excited I was to have PATTSY WAVE again, which made it so much easier for us to consolidate everything on one platform and really took the stress off my shoulders for deadline management."
Kelly Theodosiou, Intellectual Property Support Team Lead, Fasken Martineau DuMoulin LLP