Analytics: Patent Analytics
Through AcclaimIP’s patent analytics tools, you won’t just understand today’s environment, you will be able to analyze and understand trends and forecast future conditions. With patent analytics, you’ll be able to find and visualize patent information, gain unique insights into your portfolio and the market, and make more informed decisions.
Patent Analysis Report
The Patent Analysis Report (PAR) is the most efficient way to evaluate key metrics for each global patent to make better decisions including annuity payments and licensing. The report is sharable, even outside your organization. PAR gives you data and visualizations that rate and rank your patent including patent score, family, citation, rejection and landscape data views.
Evaluate full patent text in context of its metrics
Share with colleagues
Access official PDFs from PAR
Download and share thousands of links to PAR
Prosecution Analytics
Prosecution Analytics enable you to develop a smart prosecution strategy for your patents with a unique set of charts that reveal the past behavior of the patent examiner, the law firm, and the art unit to inform and guide successful response to US office actions. 19 charts and visualizations are queued to support successful patent prosecution at each phase from responding to the first office action, requesting an interview, filing an RCE or initiating an appeal.
Compare statistics from multiple points of view
Identify examples of successful patents
View relevant examiner rejections and applicant responses
Share with colleagues even outside your organization

Technology Analysis
Through AcclaimIP, you can visualize existing technology and market trends for those technologies that inform your present strategy, and help you understand the future trends in your market. Are there more competitors working with your technology? Fewer? AcclaimIP’s helps understand how these points can lead to a stronger technology game plan and future growth. With Acclaim IP’s Technology Analysis, you can:
Understand the current state of your technology relative to your competitors
Help shape your current patenting strategy
Cross reference technology data points to create technology landscapes
Make better informed decisions
Competitive Analysis
We all have to deal with competitors on a daily basis. AcclaimIP identifies where your competition is moving and growing, and where your competitors are investing and divesting. Use AcclaimIP to help lead to a more dynamic and forward-thinking plan to keep up with your ever-changing market, and not get left behind. With AcclaimIP’s Competitive Analysis, you will have the power to:
Understand your competition to understand your market
Find the many actors in the same technology space
Know where your competition is headed to help shape your strategy
Help determine whether your competition is doing the expected, or the unexpected
See where your competition wants to go to find licensing opportunities

Agent Analysis
AcclaimIP’s Agent Analysis shows you which law firms are working with which patent owners. It also enables you to identify potentially weaker players or surface weakness in your own prosecution metrics. With AcclaimIP’s Agent Analysis, you will be able to:
See your own metrics so that you can understand how to improve
Understand your competition’s metrics to drive your own decisions
Measure agents that work for you to ensure you are getting the quality and results you expect
Identify agents who consistently produce higher quality patents for future work