For those who oversee IP docketing, data accuracy, and foreign filing, intellectual property management requires attention to many details. That’s why having a clear daily view of your critical docketing issues, workload, and renewal statuses can be a game-changer. To get the best overview, you’ll want software that provides dashboards integrating all your data and activity.
Below, learn about five examples of dashboards that can greatly aid IP docketing and other operations:
1. For IP Docketing Managers: Workload Dashboard
What does your docketing team's day look like? Will you be able to manage the volume of work? What are the most pressing issues? Use this dashboard to figure it all out quickly, make assignments, and shift work around as needed.
You might start by filtering for all critical tasks and exploring potential roadblocks, then clean up any issues and ensure tasks is assigned to the optimal person.
Figure 1: In this portion of the Workload Dashboard, you can see which staff members
have the most overdue tasks to ensure distribution among the team.
You can also use this dashboard to:
- Easily report on your team’s work by directly downloading a docket report that can be shared with others
- Manage your daily tasks more efficiently with the ability to filter tasks by: Due Date, Status, Is Critical, Is Official, Task Target, Record Type, or other record-based information
2. Assess Spending: Patent Annuities / Trademark Renewals Forecast Dashboards
What's your current spend on patent annuities and trademark renewals vs. budget? Do you know the overall spending trends? These dashboards allow you to check and report on these items quickly. Each dashboard also provides the ability to give quick updates on cost savings resulting from recent patent or trademark pruning decisions.
Figure 2: Check the day's patent annuities tasks and status.
The Annuities/Renewal Forecast dashboards are also used to:
- Support the budgeting process with easy access to quarter-over-quarter or year-over-year spending trends
- Facilitate portfolio management by checking the current spend by technology, product line, business unit or other factor
- Prepare the reports you need quickly with filtering by: Renewal/Annuity Statuses, Due Dates, Remaining Costs, as well as high-level or detailed record information
Annuities/Renewals & Anaqua Services
Through Anaqua Services clients can ensure their patent annuities and trademark renewals are accurate and paid on time. Anaqua has an established, well-defined, and time-tested methodology used by corporations and law firms worldwide known for its efficiency and cost savings. Our payment services are fully integrated with the AQX platform.
If your organization uses Anaqua's payment services for patent annuities and/or trademark renewals, the current costs will be updated automatically each day so you can see the remaining budget.
3. Global Oversight: Foreign Filing Dashboard
Global foreign filing increases administrative tasks exponentially but this dashboard can provide efficiency gains.
The AQX Foreign Filing Dashboard helps you visualize the foreign filing process end-to-end. Easily explore filings by country and provide decision makers with the reports they need.
Figure 3: Use this dashboard to check your company's filing status anywhere in the world.
4. Manage Outsourcing Success: Outside Counsel Performance KPI Dashboard
Many companies rely heavily on outside counsel. How cost-effective and timely is each vendor? Are they handling matters in areas of their expertise? Use this dashboard to check on critical KPIs to compare outside counsel firms by cost, quality, and time factors. Scan at-a-glance visuals of prep and prosecution metrics for each firm to help you make the most cost- and time-effective decisions moving forward.
Figure 4: This section of the Outside Counsel Performance Dashboards allows you to check on the status of work at each firm to determine performance and shift work as necessary.
Explore this report by:
- Filtering results by firm, country, spend, technology, or high/low level record-specific information to see where your firm is realizing the best results
- Reviewing firms by areas of expertise or technology to make decisions on new case distribution
- Seeing which firms perform best in different areas, such as time to draft and file, etc.
5. Address Problem Data: Quality Monitor Dashboards for Trademarks and Patents
Figure 5: This section of the Quality Monitoring Dashboard lets you set up
custom alerts to check for data anomalies.
There's nothing worse than finding data issues late in the game. With this dashboard, paralegals and IP docketing managers can check for inconsistent or incorrect data issues which may impact workflow/law or gaps. Use it to monitor acquisition uploads, manual entry, migration, or other data uploads. In addition, you can establish your own criteria to help spot possible anomalies daily to create the most efficient processes.
More on AQX HyperView™ Dashboards
For those who oversee IP docketing and prosecution, intellectual property management requires attention to many details. AQX's easy-to-use, flexible HyperView dashboards enable you to check and quickly make decisions on daily priorities as well as easily report out on key items to management or other areas of the business. Individual widgets within each dashboard can also be exported as an image or a spreadsheet for easy sharing in presentations and other reporting. Contact an Anaqua product specialist to learn more.
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